I am completely slacking in my blogging. I apologize. Need. To. Do. Better. Anywho, first thing I'm LOVING this Wednesday? My continuous glow from seeing SIR ELTON JOHN in concert last Friday night. O.M.F.G. The man is utterly amazing. All last week, I was ridiculously excited about going to see him, and probably told every single person in every office I call on that I was going to see my idol. Nevermind the fact that the majority of them looked at me like I was nuts... I mean, I guess a 25 year old obsessing over a 60+ gay man isn't exactly the norm, but hey- to each his own. I think I was a tad scared that I had built up his fabulousness too much in my head, so my nerves kicked in the day of the concert that he might not live up to my expectations. Or the $150 price tag on the concert ticket :) Needless to say, he blew me away. That man is/was on POINT for being his age & performing for so many years.

Looking pretty damn good to be a senior citizen. I'm just sayin...In the spirit of transparency, I may or may not have teared up during "Tiny Dancer," like a tween at a Bieber concert. Kevin looked at me during that time and said something like, "Are you crying? Seriously?" Um, yes, tears were shed.. OUT OF PURE JOY & AWE, duh. Don't try to get all high & mighty on me doll, because I am 100% sure that when UK beat LSU or South Carolina, there was a moment of you being too choked up to speak. Tears at an Elton John Concert = acceptable. Tears at a UK Football Game = questionable at best. Moral of the story- if you get an opportunity to go to see Sir Elton in person, do it (& call me if you need a date!! Don't even worry about Kev. He knows Elton & I have a strong connection that is unexplainable :) )
So, what else am I LOVING today? I know I am going to completely embarrass myself with this one, but I don't care. Who remembers the Sweet Valley Twins? Jessica & Elizabeth Wakefield? If you say you don't & you were in elementary school in the early-mid nineties, shame on you for lying! Well, those 2 bad-ass bitches are back & all grown up.

Oh yes, Francine Pascal has outdone herself with this doozie of a novel. (Not sure if you the words Sweet Valley & Novel qualify to be in the same sentence, but I feel like the word book just doesn't do this piece justice.) I've only read a few chapters, and it is seriously taking me back to when I was 11 years old & reading books to get free pizza from Pizza Hut. Side note-My school participated in some program where if you read 5 books, you got a free personal pan from Pizza Hut. Twenty bucks says Kevin Gray read at least 25 books/week to get in on that action.- Shockingly, Elizabeth & Jessica are now arch-enemies (GASP!), and live on opposite coasts. I'm still a little uncertain as to why they loathe each other, but I think it has something to do with Jessica being too
slutty I mean, promiscuous. Another side note- when I was little, my dad always read to me before I went to bed. He absolutely despised reading Sweet Valley or Babysitters club, so he basically re-wrote the books & put in inappropriate language to make the books more interesting. Example: Book reads "Jessica, you are not being very nice to Lila & her feelings are hurt. Dad's interpretation: "Jessica, you are being a huge skank to Lila, and she hopes you get hit by a bus." Parent of the year? I think so.- I am extremely excited to keep reading on what I am positive will be the next Great American Novel :)
What am I NOT loving today? The fact that my husband thought it would be fine to give Hudson to okay to chew my throw pillows.

I mean, seriously? Not happy. At all. Kevin's response? "Oh its fine, honey. I really never liked those pillows anyway. They looked like they belonged at my Grandma's house, so I didn't really think it would matter if Hudson ruined them." As you can tell, there was just LOADS of logic used behind that thought process. Yes, I am aware that these are just pillows. However, now I am faced with IMPOSSIBLE task of replacing those. Massive hassle. Colossal. I have been to EIGHT different places to replace those bad boys, and I have found nothing that works. Correction- I finally did find some blue & green ones, and my dear husband has done nothing but complain about how they look too. So, were back to square one. Last I checked, Kev didn't go to design school...However, he informed me that he watches HGTV, so he knows what works & what doesn't. Good lord. Alright yall, thats it for now. XOXO- Caroline
bahahahaha ok several things...
ReplyDelete1. Jessica & Elizabeth... O.M.G they are back? I may or may not be visiting Joseph Beth this afternoon haha
2. If a certain someone teared up over a football game, you are TOTALLY allowed to tear up to Tiny Dancer, not even a comparison sister.
3. Kev & HGTV just made me laugh period. :)
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